Picking Schedule

2024 picking schedule

Below are the current fruits growing in our orchard, as well as their availability or estimated availability. And don't forget, rain puts a damper on picking. Check the weather conditions before you head out. 

Cortland: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Honeycrisp: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

McIntosh: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Empire: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Crimson Crisp: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Liberty: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Yellow Delicious: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Zestar: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Ginger Gold: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!

Sansa: season ended; stayed tuned for 2024!